Tuesday, September 27, 2016

29 Days of Kindness: Days 2 and 3

Yesterday (Day 2) was so special.  I called my dad's mom.  I feel terrible that I'm always so busy, and I rarely pick up the phone to talk to her myself.  I usually only talk with her when I'm with my family and we call her together.  But yesterday, I took it upon myself to call her just to say hello.  She seems to be doing very well in her daily life.  My family gave her a digital display picture frame a while back, and she told me that it's sitting on her coffee table.  She absolutely adores pictures, and with the digital display, she gets to see multiple pictures in one frame.  We talked about my dog, my sister's kids, and work.  It was just a blessing to hear how happy she was to hear from me.

Today (day 3), I'm going to count something I've already been doing for a week and will be doing for another 14 days. The PTSD press up challenge. The challenge goes like this: you post a video to Facebook of you doing 22 push ups every day for 22 days straight to raise awareness to the statistic that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. Well, I want to take today to highlight the fact that it's not only veterans who suffer from PTSD. Any traumatic situation can lead to PTSD, and the recovery period can be long and brutal. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who suffers - the struggle is real no matter how hard the struggle. The number of push ups and the number of days may represent a statistic, but the persistence that is required to complete the challenge mimics the persistence of someone suffering from this condition. You can view day eight of my challenge on my Facebook page. Peace to all the sufferers of PTSD and any other mental health struggle. Just like you, I am a warr;or. 

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